Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Racial shooting incident on Halloween

My black cat, Pepe, was shot in the head last night while he was making his regular evening prowls in his quiet Midtown neighborhood. The seven-year-old staggered home with the bullet from the pellet gun lodged above his eye. He'll survive, I hope, but he was not a happy cat.
Why would anyone let a black cat wander the mean streets of Midtown Tucson on Halloween night? The short answer is that I'm a bad pet owner. The longer answer is that I never really believed all those fraidy-cats who told me that black cats have a tendency to meet with foul play on this particular night. Pepe has always gone in and out at will, and I saw no reason to deny him the pleasures of the prowl. Well, now I know, and the two of us are cooking up a special trick for the unknown punk who popped a cap in his head.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

OK, so I like frogs.

 I used to collect them by the bucketful after the summer rains when I was a kid.

3809646-md.jpg (JPEG Image, 679x467 pixels)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Everything I know about arithmatic I learned from Billy Preston: Nothing from nothing leaves nothing. The "fifth Beatle" died last week in Phoenix. He was only 59.

billy preston lyrics

a - z LYRICS

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Flatiron Building

Flatiron building from above
Originally uploaded by Rachy20154.
My favorite building in New York (I think it was the city's first skyscraper).

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by westsideman_2000.


Originally uploaded by westsideman_2000.
Chilling on the couch at home (and yes, I always wear sunglasses indoors, don't you?)


Originally uploaded by westsideman_2000.
He's such a good boy